Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How to create dll in c sharp

HowTo create a dynamically linked library (DLL) with C# (C-sharp) and
Visual Studio 2005.

HowTo create a dynamically linked library (DLL) with C# (C-sharp) and
Visual Studio 2005.

1. Creating the DLL:

a) Create a new project -> C# Classlibrary.

b) Create your class adding or modifying
a class-file to the project and entering
something like:

using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.Text;

  namespace MyClassLib
      public class ClassA
   public int PropA = 10;

   public void Multiply()
       PropA *= 2;

   public void Multiply(Int32 myFactor)
       PropA *= myFactor;


2. Test-bind the DLL

a) Create another project WITHOUT closing or deleting the old project.
(This is done by right-clicking on the Project-Explorer and
choosing Add->New Project)

b) The new project needs to now about the DLL. The terminology is
different from that of C++. Here, we talk about "references" instead
of links. Thus, we have to add the DLL to the reference tree of the
new project in the project-explorer. Rightclick on your
new project->add reference->choose tab:Project and add.

c) To make life easier, use the namespace of your dll. Your
main code could look something like this:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using MyClassLib;
    namespace ConsoleApplication1
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                ClassA obj = new ClassA();
                obj.PropA = 9;

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