Monday, May 23, 2011

Vodafone Hack For GPRS

Vodafone Hack For GPRS
This method has been tested on different mobiles and has been confirmed to be working.
Followng are the Settings you require to configure on your Mobile:

Account Name: Vodafone_gprs
User Name: (no need)
Pass: (no need)

Access Point Settings :-
Proxy: Enabled
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9401
Data Bearer: Packet Data

Bearer Settings :-
Packet Data Access Point: portalnmms
Network type: IPV4
Authentication: normal
User Name: (no need)
Password: (no need)

*IF that happen this settings is not working then change the proxy port number to:-

Proxy Port: 9401

Remotely Shutdown Your Computer With A Cellphone

Remotely Shutdown Your Computer With A Cellphone

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cool windows hacking tricks2

Change Google Logo with Your Name

hacking tricks in windows xp...

CreateUserWizard example: how to create user in

CreateUserWizard example: how to create user in 

Here we see how to create a new user in Now create a web form name CreateUserWizardExample.aspx and put a CreateUserWizard control. We use this control for easily create user. Here I place the control very simple. But you can customize it as you need. After create a user, you can see successful message and a link to go to home page.

If you face any problem with password, then you use a strong password because requires strong password for this default setting. Here I use this password 

Note: you need to configure a provider for store your data. Use Web Site Administration Tool for easily configure it.

·          <%@ Page Language="C#" %>  
2.   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">  
4.   <script runat="server">  
6.   </script>  
8.   <html xmlns="">  
9.   <head runat="server">  
10.      <title>CreateUserWizard example: how to create user in</title>  
11.  </head>  
12.  <body>  
13.      <form id="form1" runat="server">  
14.      <div>  
15.          <asp:CreateUserWizard  
16.               ID="CreateUserWizard1"  
17.               runat="server"  
18.               ContinueButtonType="Link"  
19.               ContinueButtonText="Go to home page"  
20.               ContinueDestinationPageUrl="~/Home.aspx"  
21.               >  
22.          </asp:CreateUserWizard>  
23.      </div>  
24.      </form>  
25.  </body>  
26.  </html>  
1.   <%@ Page Language="C#" %>  
3.   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">  
5.   <script runat="server">  
7.   </script>  
9.   <html xmlns="">  
10.  <head runat="server">  
11.      <title>CreateUserWizard example</title>  
12.  </head>  
13.  <body>  
14.      <form id="form1" runat="server">  
15.      <div>  
16.          <h1>Home Page</h1>  
17.      </div>  
18.      </form>  
19.  </body>  
20.  </html>  

how to hack administrator password in windows xp and also works in windows 7

hacking tricks in cmd

Monday, May 9, 2011

Graphics in C

In a C Program first of all you need to initialize the graphics drivers on the computer. This is done using the initgraph method provided in graphics.h library.

Graphics mode Initialization:
initgraph() function is used to load the graphics drivers and initialize the graphics system. For every function, that uses graphics mode, graphics mode must be initialized before using that function.

void far initgraph(int far *driver, int far *mode, char far *path)

Function detectgraph:
Detectgraph function determines the graphics hardware in the system, if the function finds a graphics adapter then it returns the highest graphics mode that the adapter supports.

void far detectgraph(int far *driver, int far *mode)

Integer that specifies the graphics driver to be used. You can give graphdriver a value using a constant of the graphics_drivers enumeration type.

Graphic Mode:
Integer that specifies the initial graphics mode (unless *graphdriver = DETECT). If *graphdriver = DETECT, initgraph sets *graphmode to the highest resolution available for the detected driver. You can give *graphmode a value using a constant of the graphics_modes enumeration type.

Function closegraph:
This function shutdown the graphics mode and returns to the position it was before the initgraph function was called.
void far closegraph(void)

Example 1:

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

void main()
    int gd=DETECT, gm;

    initgraph(&gd, &gm, "c:\\turboc\\bgi");


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to send email through c sharp...

This is correct code i developed this code 
take one button and  paste this code their and change your sender and receiver mail address and password must be their

 protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string from = ""; //Replace this with your own correct Gmail Address

string to = ""; //Replace this with the Email Address to whom you want to send the mail
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
 mail.From = new MailAddress(from, "One Ghost" , System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
mail.Subject = "This is a test mail" ;
mail.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
mail.Body = "This is Email Body Text";
mail.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
mail.IsBodyHtml = true ;
mail.Priority = MailPriority.High;

SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
//Add the Creddentials- use your own email id and password

 client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(from, "password");

client.Port = 587; // Gmail works on this port
client.Host = "";
client.EnableSsl = true; //Gmail works on Server Secured Layer
        catch (Exception ex)
            Exception ex2 = ex;
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;
            while (ex2 != null)
                errorMessage += ex2.ToString();
                ex2 = ex2.InnerException;
   HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(errorMessage );
        } // end try

AngularJS Basics - Part 1

                                                                  AngularJS What is AngularJS ·          Framework by googl...